Call of Duty Stats Tracker

Player Stats
User Info

Authentication Setup

Obtaining your ACT_SSO_COOKIE

  1. Log in to Call of Duty
  2. Open developer tools (F12)
  3. Navigate to: Application → Storage → Cookies →
  4. Copy the value of ACT_SSO_COOKIE
  5. Paste this value into SSO Token

Authentication Setup

Obtaining your ACT_SSO_COOKIE

  1. Log in to Call of Duty
  2. Open developer tools (F12)
  3. Navigate to: Application → Storage → Cookies →
  4. Copy the value of ACT_SSO_COOKIE
  5. Paste this value into SSO Token

Authentication Setup

Obtaining your ACT_SSO_COOKIE

  1. Log in to Call of Duty
  2. Open developer tools (F12)
  3. Navigate to: Application → Storage → Cookies →
  4. Copy the value of ACT_SSO_COOKIE
  5. Paste this value into SSO Token

Note: Fuzzy search looks up a gamertag and retrieves fuzzy matches along with their respective platforms.

Authentication Setup

Obtaining your ACT_SSO_COOKIE

  1. Log in to Call of Duty
  2. Open developer tools (F12)
  3. Navigate to: Application → Storage → Cookies →
  4. Copy the value of ACT_SSO_COOKIE
  5. Paste this value into SSO Token
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